

2015-11-06 09:42:27am




Q: How will you handle a customer complaint on the phone?


参考回答:First of all, I will smile as I answer the phone. Our customers can’t see my smile, but they can “hear” my smile. Then, once I’m told the problem, I will apologize and acknowledge their feelings, prepare to help, and convey my personal empathy. Next, I will listen carefully to the details of the complaint and take notes about them, and make sure that the customers won’t have to repeat themselves. After that, I will either provide a resolution, or promise that I or a senior staff member will get back to them at a specific time with a solution to the problem. Finally, I will thank them for calling; apologizing again for any inconvenience they’ve experienced.


☆ Describe a situation where you had to calm down a very angry customer.

☆ Describe a situation where you had to change your approach because your first attempts to persuade a customer failed.

☆ Tell me about a time when it was particularly difficult for the caller to explain the problem to you. How did you reach an understanding of the issue?

☆ What steps did you take when you found out that a problem was a result of inefficient service by your company or colleagues?

☆ If given a chance to make or recommend a change in the company’s operational practices (with respect to improving customer satisfaction), what would you suggest?



Q: How much do you know about Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?


参考回答:CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a company-wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy (拥护). It also helps a company manage customer relationships in a more organized way. For example, a company might build a database about its customers that describes relationships in sufficient detail so that the management, salespeople and customer service staff of the company could directly access information, match customer needs with product plans and offerings, remind customers of service requirements, know what other products a customer purchased before, and so on.


☆ Which is more important—a good product or friendly, fast service?

☆ Which software applications are you proficient in?

☆ Give me an example of how you have used data to improve your team’s productivity.

☆ Do you have the necessary technical know-how to transfer information and data?



1. 抗压能力。客服人员几乎每天都要接待客户的投诉,而这些客户常常是牢骚满腹、怒气冲冲,因此客服人员应该具备良好的情绪控制能力、超强的抗压能力和处变不惊的应对能力。对于客户所提出的各种棘手问题,客服人员应该以积极、耐心的态度为客户解答疑问,解决难题。

2. 适应能力。客服人员每天都要与不同性格的客户打交道,处理客户各种各样的问题,有时还需要加班加点完成任务,因此客服人员需要具备较强的适应能力,善于针对不同的客户调整自己的沟通方式,灵活地应对各种新情况和新问题。

3. 团队精神。客服人员应该具备团队精神,在工作中互相学习,取长补短,共同提升整个部门的服务质量。应聘者在回答这类问题时,应该突出自己善于和不同性格的同事沟通与合作,共同为实现团队目标而努力,同时应强调自己会尊重和鼓励同事。

4. 学习能力。客服人员只有对公司的产品与服务了然于胸,才能对客户提出的各类问题给予专业的回答,提供正确的解决方案。因此,客服人员需要具备较强的学习能力,不断学习公司的新产品、新服务、新政策,掌握公司的最新动态。应聘者在回答这类问题时,可以通过例证的方式阐述自己学习能力强,学习效率高。

5. 工作动力。具备充足的工作动力是任何岗位都必需的素质之一。因为员工只有具备持续不断的工作动力和激情,才能在工作中不断改善和完善自我。应聘者在回答这类问题时,可以从兴趣的角度组织答案。例如应聘者可以强调自己喜欢并擅长与客户打交道,正是这一兴趣爱好为自己提供了持续的动力之源。

6. 服务意识。在客服人员所有的素质要求中,服务意识无疑是第一位的。身为客服人员,高度的服务意识、乐于助人的意愿、宽容心、同理心以及积极热情的态度是必须具备的。只有这样,才能让每一个带着怨气而来的客户带着满意的微笑离开。在回答这类问题时,应聘者可以强调自己无论遇到何种状况,都会保持专业的态度,耐心倾听,努力为客户解决问题,直至对方满意为止。


Q: What makes you angry?


参考回答:I’m an even-tempered (冷静的), optimistic and positive person by nature, and I believe this helps me a great deal in getting along with my colleagues and dealing with my clients in a friendly and patient manner. When dealing with a complaint from our client, I believe in understanding exactly what the problem is, finding out the cause, and seeking a solution to the problem. No matter how unreasonable or even hostile the client is, I will keep calm and solve the problem without getting emotional.


☆ How did you respond when you received negative feedback from a caller about you personally?

☆ How do you define going the extra mile (提供尽可能多的服务) for your customer, and give me an example of when you have done this.

☆ Working in this face-to-face customer service environment, how would you demonstrate that you are listening to a customer?

☆ Describe a time that you picked up an error or problem that had been overlooked by others at work.

☆ What kind of people are your current users? How do you adapt to their particular demands?

☆ Tell me about one of the toughest groups you have had to work with in order to achieve a task or objective.

☆ Describe a situation when you felt a team member was not contributing enough. What steps did you take?

☆ In which areas do you consider yourself to be an expert, and how do you envisage being able to utilize this expertise within this organization?









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