英语励志文章精选:The biggest secret of success_青春励志-查字典大学网

英语励志文章精选:The biggest secret of success

2016-03-22 02:18:01pm


Once there was a young man who came to ask Socrates how to learn philosophy. Socrates said nothing but took him along to a river. He suddenly pushed him into the river forcibly. At first the young man thought Socrates was kidding so he didn't take it to heart. But Socrates also jumped into the river and pulled his head into water desperately. At this time the young man was really scared, his instinct of living made him use all his strength lifting Socrates and climbed to the bank.

The young man asked Socrates with puzzle why he did that, Socrates replied:

I just want to tell you whatever you do, do it with a determination to be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation. Only like that can you make a genuine achievement.

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