

2016-08-24 03:18:39pm

CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇,第058篇,是关于谈谈你对父母溺爱孩子这种现象的看法 的话题作文范文。供在准备英语六级的同学参考学习。

cet6六级级作文范文:nowadays parents are too permissive with their children .do you agree or disagree with this statement ?谈谈你对父母溺爱孩子这种现象的看法

nowadays parents are too permissive with their children .do you agree or disagree with this statement ?

today , few people would defend the t raditional attitude to children . if you recall wha t happened in old days , you would be astonished at the sever e and st rict educa tion for children , for instance, old- fas hioned spanking was common punis hment for children . as a result , while the par ents thus established their own authority , the poor children would never recover from the dr eadful t r aumatic experience when they grew up .

howeve r , as you know, things of ten go to ext remes . nowadays , parents ’ confidence in their own authority has been gr eatly undermined . countles s a rticles in magazines and newspape rs and tv programmes publicize child ca re . when so much over- enthusiastic advice flying about , mum and dad just don’t know what to do any mor e . in the end , they do nothing .

so from early childhood, the kids are in charge and par - ents ’ lives ar e regulated according to the needs of their off spring . when the little dear s develop into teenagers , they take complete control . i f the young people are going to have a party , for example , parents ar e as ked to leave the house . their presence merely spoils the fun . what else can the poor parents do but obey ?

in my mind , a child ce rtainly needs love , and a lot of it . but the excessive pe rmissiveness of mode rn parents is sur ely doing mor e ha rm than good . t he spr ead of juvenile delinquency is la rgely due to pa rental laxity . mother , believing that her lit tle baobao can look af ter himself , is not at home when he r eturn s f rom school , so little baobao roams the street . the dividing-line between permissivenes s and s heer negligence is very fine indeed


· sever e and strict educa tion for childr en

* spanking

* childr en’s dreadful experience

· things of ten go to extr emes

* parents’authority unde rmined

* over- enthusiastic child car e

* pa rents’life r egulated according to children’s needs

· comments

* exces sive pe rmissiveness and sheer negligence — a

fine dividing line



本文是一篇议论文。显然作者的观点是认同这一命题中的说法的。文章以对比的手法将早先对待小孩的传统教育方式作为铺衬, 然后以一句howeve r , things of ten go to extr emes .为转折, 将话题导入主题nowadays parents a re too permissive with their childr en .例证真实而生动, 有较强的说服力。 最后一段是作者的观点和评论。本文逻辑性强, 层次分明, 读来统一而连贯。



permissive ( ness ) a .( n .) 随意(的) , 放纵(的)

be astonished a t 对⋯⋯感到吃惊

spank ( ing) v .( n .) 打屁股

tr aumatic a . 受到创伤的

things of ten go to extr emes . 事情往往会走向极端

unde rmine v . 瓦解

regula te v . 调节

offspring n . 儿女

dear n . 亲爱的人

obey v . 服从

juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪

pa rental laxity 父母的疏忽

roam v . 游荡

dividing-line 分界线

sheer negligence 完全忽视









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